How Google’s New Core Update SEO Experts And AI Generated Content

The big update is on its way – Google is rolling out the March 2024 core update. It’s expected to be more sophisticated, targeting issues like expired domain misuse, scaled content (possibly AI-generated), and abuse of site reputation. Luckily, none of my websites have been hit with penalties or de-indexing so far. I only used […]
Google Search Update: March 2024 Core Update & New Spam Policies

Big news for creators! Google just made changes to how search works to show people helpful information. Here’s the short version: Good news! Make cool stuff that helps people, and you’re golden. Google wants to show that off in searches. No more sneaky tricks! Google is cracking down on websites trying to cheat their way to the […]
Why we’re hardwired to believe SEO myths (and how to spot them!)

Give someone a fish and they’ll EAT for one day. Teach someone to fish and they’ll EAT for a lifetime. Yes, that’s an seo pun. It’s also the goal of this article. If you pop into either of the fantastic seo communities on Twitter or LinkedIn, you’ll inevitably encounter some common seo myths: “Longer […]